Marked Playing Cards For Sale

Marked cards are processed playing cards with hidden markings that aid card cheats and magicians to identify the suit of a card and its number. They come in three major types: magic trick cards, contact lens marked cards, and barcode scanner marked cards.

Card marking can be done by removing or adding design elements or blocking-outs. Some use tint work or scroll work to alter the design of the card.

Invisible ink

Invisible ink processing is used to make the marks on a deck of cards hard to fade and display. This type of printing is performed on a specially designed playing card printing machine that uses a unique invisible ink to mark the cards. The markings remain inaccessible from the naked eye, and only visible with contact lenses or poker perspective glasses. This type of marking enables magicians and card sharps to play poker or other card games.

The cards are marked for value and suits, however they aren’t read by people who don’t have poker perspective tools. These cards are made of durable and washable Copag plastic. These cards are ideal for magicians who want decks that can be reused many times.

A key factor for success in the art of magic is to be able to read the cards quickly and without being detected. In addition to being an advantage when it comes to reading the cards, these marked decks are also a significant improvement over traditional Bicycle backs. The GT Speed Reader Deck by Garrett Thomas offers a new twist to the Ted Lesley Method that enables magicians to read cards much more quickly and more safely.

A set of marked cards that have the use of a special ink with luminous properties is another possibility to perform magical tricks. They are processed using an ink that is invisible to show the numbers and suits on the cards, but are still undetectable to people with no luminescent contact lenses or sunglasses. This type of marking works particularly well for magicians who require a set of cards with a high level of durability.

Invisible ink markers designed for cards can be purchased on the internet, however the process is a bit complicated and requires skilled professionals to create a top-quality product. There are a variety of online retailers which offer a range of styles and colors therefore you will be able to locate the ideal marker to meet your requirements. To ensure that your markings won’t bleed or fade and fade, it is recommended to purchase invisible markers made of the highest quality.

Contact lens

Marked cards, also referred to as secret or marked cards, are cards that have been marked on their backs or sides in order to aid cheaters with cards. They are also utilized by magicians for trick cards. Marked cards can be found in various shapes, such as invisible ink, barcodes, as well as juice marks. They are processed to make it difficult to see them without the appropriate equipment. Poker analyzers for instance can see the markings even though they are invisible to the human eye.

The most common way to mark the cards in a deck is to crimp or bend them, which makes the marks appear like bumps on the card’s surface and are like Braille script. Other methods of marking include adding colors or rubbing inks onto the cards’ edges. These marks could take the shape of lines or circles that are printed on one or both sides. One of the most recent developments in the gambling world is using infrared technology to mark cards. Infrared sensor playing cards don’t require ink that is invisible and can be read with a specially designed camera lens. They’re more reliable than conventional marked decks and are much more comfortable to use in casinos.

Other than invisible ink marks on cards, there are also other methods to mark a deck of cards for reasons of cheating. Some cards can be marked by tiny pinprick bumps, that appear like dots in the Braille alphabet. To make these marked cards, it is necessary to use more skills and precision. The cards must also be perfectly straight and never bent.

Certain casinos have even started to alter their decks of card to make sure that sharps aren’t able to cheat. Casinos often make holes in their cards or cut the edges to prevent them from being easily identified by card readers. Some of the most sophisticated techniques include identifying the cards and leading them to the appropriate position.

Here’s a description of the process that the cards undergo to become so invisible. The decks of cards may be treated with a chemical called acetone, which is very difficult to detect with the naked eye. This method is also very easy to apply, however it’s not lasting long and can leave a slight smell.


Unlike invisible ink marked cards markings on barcodes are noticeable to the public. Furthermore the marks aren’t easy to fade and show, which makes them an excellent option for magicians looking to perform their magic tricks without worrying about getting taken in. This type of marking is additionally more robust, which means it can withstand repeated wear and handling. Marks are able to be seen by card readers and poker analyzer scanners.

A barcode-marked deck of cards is a special process that adds clear and durable markings to normal playing cards. The scanners of poker analyzers scan these marks and reveal the some of the information hidden on each card. The reader will then determine which cards are going to be dealt, which players are winning and who is losing. It is much easier to place bets and increase chips when the reader has a clear idea of what cards will be dealt.

The primary factor to consider when buying a marked deck is the high-quality of the deck and the method of marking the deck. It is best to choose the deck which are durable and of good quality, and you should also use a special marker to make your markings as subtle as you can. This will help ensure that the cards cannot be detected by others or by observers. The cards should also be placed in the manner that keeps other players from observing the markings.

If you’re planning to print the barcode-marked deck it is vital to make use of a premium printer. Choose the correct deck of cards for your needs, because an unsuitable printer can damage the cards. A good printer must also provide a guarantee on their products.

Although you can buy a deck of marked cards online but it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you buy one. Marked cards are an excellent tool for cheating in poker, however you have be cautious about the way you use them. A skilled player will spot any odd behaviour and stop you from committing a crime. If you don’t take care you may end up being detained and even banned from your local poker club.


There are numerous methods to mark the deck of cards. Some marking systems are simple to operate, but some can be detected by people who are looking for them. These methods include reading systems and codes. The reading marking systems are easiest to use as they can tell you what cards are in your hands based on the value and suit of the card. But, they’re not as private as a marking system that is coded.

A marked deck appears as an ordinary deck of cards to the untrained eye, however it has subtle markings or codes that help the player or magician read what card is being kept. The information obtained can be used by the cheater to influence the game. It’s not ethical and is even illegal to manipulate the cards in this way. Be careful if you use a deck marked.

Professional poker cheaters can detect one or more marks that are usually placed on the back or the side of marked cards. These marks are readable or scanned using contacts or special glasses. There is a variety of marked cards that will best fit your budget and needs.

The best method to obtain a good set of marked cards is to purchase them from a reliable dealer or magic shop. You can also purchase them online, but you should make sure the deck is genuine. You will be able to tell whether the deck you’re buying is genuine by asking the retailer or dealer.

A set of marked poker cards made specifically for magicians can be a good alternative. They can be customised to hide marks that are unnoticed by the naked eye. The cards are not made to be used in an actual casino or poker game. They are designed for entertainment purposes only.

The marks on a high-quality deck will be concealed and only professionals wearing contacts lenses with luminous markings are able to be able to see the marks. These lenses aren’t easy to wear, and you have to work hard to learn how to read them correctly.